Wednesday, June 18, 2008

a real class act

"Real change comes from having enough comfort to be really honest and say something very uncomfortable."

-Michelle Obama

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

new journalism - still feels fresh

Frank Sinatra Has a Cold by Gay Talese
Esquire Magazine, April 1966

"I'm for anything that gets you through the night, be it prayer, tranquilizers or a bottle of Jack Daniel." --Frank Sinatra

Monday, June 16, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

modern art has never been more enjoyable

My Kid Could Paint That is a welcome return to ambiguity in the documentary, while posing perhaps the year’s most intriguing mystery, even more so than last year’s diverting examination of art-world snobbery, Who the $#%& is Jackson Pollock? Even if only two films make up this exclusive subgenre (art-world exposé/mystery?), it would suffice.

barry obama

congratulations and sorry


rose colored glasses...for ears

Monday, June 2, 2008

take it into your own hands

Guerrilla gardener movement takes root in L.A. area
by Joe Robinson

There is no law against planting on city landscaping, except for ficus trees, whose roots wreck roads and sidewalks. The city discourages unapproved gardening but tries to work with road planters it discovers. "If you want to do this, my advice is to contact myself or the council person," says Arevalo. "We want to partner with people who care about where they live."

At a time of shrinking city budgets and skeletal landscaping staffs, it's a hint at where guerrilla gardening could go -- to approved brigades of citizen gardeners helping cities turn wasted space into food and flowers.

hey, bo diddley

"I thank you in advance for the great round of applause I'm about to get.”
- Bo Diddley (1928-2008)